Colored Duct Tape

Everybody knows that Duct tape is a blast and is very useful to have around.  Have you ever heard the phrase, "Duct tape holds the world together?"  Well I believe its true. :D

Lately one of the new huge things is Colored Duct Tape.  There are a lot of pretty cool things that people have done with it.  There are a ton of colors that you can choose from and you can make a lot of different things out of it.  For example one of the most popular things is a duct tape wallet.  Very cheap to make and very durable, of course it is its duct tape!  Some other things are, a belt and a purse.  One of my personal favorites and something that I have actually done myself is make a Duct Tape Dress for prom!  Thats right I said it, a Duct Tape Dress for prom!  It took quite a bit of time but was so fun to do and to ware, Ill tell you I was pretty cool when I showed up to the dance with my date in his Duct Tape Tux.

There are a lot of different places where you can get Colored Duct Tape.  Usually at most hardware stores and some grocery stores.  You just might have to look around a bit.  Also Colored Duct Tape is usually a little bit more then regular Duct Tape, but not much.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to Duct Tape, all you have to do is come up with an Idea and go for it!  It is so much fun and you will have a blast.